Thursday, October 23, 2008

It impossible to fit my brain onto this tiny space known as the world wide web. I often feel like my brain moves much faster than my feet. For whatever reason, my body is just slow. How does that happen? Do you suffer from the same "slow-poke" syndrome? I hope so. I would feel much better even if you just lied to me and said you did.
I have never seen someone more musically talented than Andrew Bird. My brilliant friend knew that Largo at the Coronet theater in Beverly Hills had invited him to share his music with the Los Angeles area, so she recommended that I attend. After promising my Au Pair friends that the evening would be worth their $30, we headed to LA Sunday night. Not only was Andrew Bird incredibly talented, he is hilarious. It was a night to remember, for sure--especially since foreign people will now be listening to his music. For some reason, every musician is "cooler" if he/she is famous in America AND Europe. Thanks, Shelley, for the recommendation.

Avrille arrived from France Wednesday night. She's the daughter of ancient family friends and is our first international visitor here. What a delight! She has experienced the pre-Halloween festivities of Americans, as well as the "Star of the Week" status of Milan, an event where he is the featured student in his class. He brought Avrille to school for show-and-tell day. I love watching kids who are proud of their life--especially Milan.
Milan performed for his class this week. His performance was astonishing. His charming stage presence certainly contends with the presidential candidates, and his skills are unmatched by any other. I could not have been more proud of him as he softly stroked his violin, releasing the beautiful tunes of his favorite songs. We are now a family of 2 cars. We have sealed the deal on a Chevy Suburban, officially putting an American mark on the family. SUV's are a joke in southern France. The roads can't handle 8-passenger vehicles and the families certainly can't afford the petroleum costs! (Gas is nearly 1.7times more expensive in France than in America) So, the family is now sliding quickly into the American way. And, I love it. I love the excitement of the American experience, the world of opportunity.

Welcome, once again, to the United States of America.

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