Thursday, September 18, 2008

pre-Christmas letter for my pretend family

I love taking the kids for a walk. If I don't take Domino with me, I take little Cecil. They make for great company, tucked neatly and securely into the pliable red stroller that rolls quite smoothly in front of me as I browse the window displays lining the extra-wide sidewalk here in Laguna Beach. We walk everywhere, noticing the expensive cars floating by at a casual 35 mph, the beach and sparkling water always on our left. Usually, we walk to the library, searching for new movies for the kids or new books for them to read as they progress in learning English. Domino is into "Happy Feet" as of late and dances to the child-like renditions of Prince, Gia Farrell, and Kiss. Every day I adore them more and more.

Take Milan, for instance, who has asked me to come and read to his class as one of the "Mystery Readers" that his teacher, Mrs. Rabun, invites every Friday. His energy soars when I walk into his classroom to help him with english. He always has something of value to add to any conversation, and always wants to know 'why?'. He is a literal 45lb package of explosive entertainment, inventing new games for everyone to play about every 30 seconds. His tennis skills and his reading skills are unmatched by any other 8-almost-9-year-old I am sure, and he is certainly acutely aware of his younger sister and brother. He is the first one to the scene of every tumble and every accident incurred by the two little ones. He would make a great EMT, I'm sure.

Then there's Melvil who is, perhaps, the most tenderhearted young man of 11 years that anyone has ever met. He adores fairness and will do anything to 'make it right.' He's a wanna-be-punk-rocker that loves to play tennis. Do you see the oxymoron? His love for fun is evident in his dance moves he performs when he thinks no one is looking...but I notice. As the oldest child, the responsibility for perfection certainly weighs on him, and he shines each and every time. I am certainly enjoying working with him at school during the day, watching how he interacts with the other American students, and I doubt that I could be more impressed with anyone as much as I am with him.

I am so much more aware of others, thanks to this family. I have learned to stop and look people in the eye when they are speaking, engaging in what they are saying. I have learned new tricks of the art of conversation, the requirements for healthy relationships, the value of believing in people. I am just flat-out a better person because of this family.

...just in case you were wondering

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love seeing how God is molding you and making you the woman He wants you to be. Oh, that we all could learn the skills you are learning...I'm so thankful for your experience and for God using your "lessons" to speak to me! Thank you for sharing them! I Love You, Mom