Sunday, August 31, 2008

eyes open

There are places that you love to visit and places that you love to stay. Why? Perhaps it's the culture you love about a place, the sights you see, the adventures you live that make a place special. For me, my life has become about the people I am with. I have never before believed more that it is the people I am with that make my life special. As most southern girls do, I have spent my entire life always thinking of what has been. We live in the past because we spend our lives afraid of the future. I love that my eyes can see in front of me now. I love being about the future. I love looking forward without fear. There is no greater peace than the one that embraces those who anticipate the future. There is no greater joy than the one that consumes those who are excited about what is coming. It's as if I wake up every morning and have to remind myself that it is not Christmas, and I am not still 10-years old. My life continues to become a better dream. I cannot yet pinpoint 'why Laguna Beach,' but I know that I can relish in the solitude of living oceanside for the moment.
I have the glorious opportunity to spend time with a brilliant bunch of kids. Not only is Domino's smile contagious, but Melvil's tender heart impresses even the most difficult of people. I am continuously astounded by their intelligence and their compassion. Then again, I am now partial to these kids as if they were my own, so my opinion is obviously biased.
We found a car today. We finally took home a Saab convertible for Laetitia to cruise around town. And thus, the headache of buying a car has dissolved into the cheers to owning a new toy. The day has been great and we certainly moved in to the new house one day early. Tonight I will certainly sleep well in my oversized, california king sized bed. Tomorrow is Labor Day. I think I'll take a rest.
Have you ever stopped to think why He allows certain circumstances to sweep us away? I am still walking along the road in paradise, trying to make sure that I catch a glimpse of every single great thing here. The longer I am here, the better I can see the ever-brightening world around me. With a constant hunger for knowledge and thirst for experience, I am walking straight ahead, eyes wide open.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is so neat to see how God is molding you into the woman He wants you to become. What a great bit of learning you have had in the last few months. WOW! You are becoming more amazing every day! I Love You, Mom